
First, let me say excellent choice! Feel free to work your way through as you like, and if I can be of service in any way, please drop me an email!

Looking forward to hearing how your conversations unfurl!—


(to snag some time for me to be in your book club too!)

Your Own Internal Professional Development For You and Your Team (less than 10 people)


What to Expect

This course will be broken up into five parts or modules.

Each module will be prescribed a set of reading to be completed from the book “Good Enough Now” by Jessica Pettitt.

Together, we will hop on the most popular 4-5 dates from a Doodle Poll and discussion the questions that are also at the back of the book.

Module 1

(Pg 1-24)

The Beginning is a Wonderful Place to Start

Taking time to do some self-awareness and self-reflection is not always easy and certainly puts us in a vulnerable position.  However, the work is important and the goal is to be able to better understand ourselves and others, as well as how this impacts our interactions with others.

  • Read the beginning content including the Prologue
  • Take Knowledge Assessment
  • Participate in discussion

Module 2

(Pg 25-96)


The first section of the book has taken us through the process of

  • understanding the different response patterns we have
  • identifying our own archetype and what those response patterns look like
  • identifying other archetypes and what those response patterns look like
  • consider the impact each response pattern has on our interactions with each other.
  • Read chapters 1 and 2
  • Take Knowledge Assessment
  • Participate in discussion

Module 3

(Pg 97-160)


Chapter Three and Four in the section titled Enough

This week’s reading takes us deeper into the process of self-discovery and awareness.  The focus is on:

  • identifying moments in our life that make us who we are today
  • how those experiences impact how we show up daily
  • recognize everyone does the same
  • allow for space to connect and communicate better with others. 
  • Read chapters 3 and 4
  • Take Knowledge Assessment
  • Participate in discussion

Module 4

(Pg 161-220)

Now (I)

Chapter Five and Six in the section titled Now

This module’s reading looks closely at:

  • how our past experiences impact us in the now
  • how we navigate through this road of life
  • how to be responsible for how we show up
  • the impact we have when engaging with others
  • how to have conversations that allow us to make better connections with others. 
  • Read chapters 5 and 6
  • Take Knowledge Assessment
  • Participate in discussion

Module 5

(Pg 221-248)

Now (II)

Chapter Seven and Eight in the section titles Now.

This reading moves us into the second half of Now and reminds us that the work to be done is our work. 

This section also explores:

  • uses systems of oppression to demonstrate the application of your self-reflections to make real change in your impact with others
  • the three streams we may need to cross in order to get a different result than we have been getting
  • the importance of having conversations with pure intent and authenticity in order to really hear and learn
  • the need to accept responsibility for the stories we write
  • and we are reminded that allowing for space is key to making any change.
  • Read chapters 7 and 8
  • Take Knowledge Assessment
  • Participation in discussion

Your Own Internal Professional Development For You and Your Team (less than 10 people)


About the author

Perhaps it’s her Texas roots, but Jess Pettitt, MBA, M.Ed., CSP, believes that to really thrive in this world, you have to ride two horses—one of giving and one of receiving. For Jess, the giving horse is her passion for service, and the receiving horse is the high she rides entertaining audiences.

For almost 10 years, Jess rode one horse by day, serving as an administrator in student affairs for university Diversity and Inclusion programs, and the other by night, performing and hosting three times a week doing stand-up in New York City’s most popular comedy clubs (ask her about George Carlin’s nickname for her or sharing an eggroll birthday cake with Bob Newhart).

Eventually, Jess discovered she could ride both horses at the same time in the same career, and a speaker in the DEI space was born. Now, nearly 20 years and half a million audience members later, Jess gallops from coast to coast delivering her “Good Enough Now” message to anyone willing to take the leap toward creating a much more inclusive (read: much more effective) organization.

If you’d like to discuss bringing in one of the funniest speakers you’ll ever hear to deliver actionable content on everything you’ve ever wanted to know about Leadership and Diversity but were afraid to ask, reach out to Jess today.